Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Roxy's Big Adventure

Just a few minutes ago, as I was in the kitchen preparing for Thanksgiving, Roxy escaped her cage, which was sitting on a table next to the computer in the office.  When I returned in here I noticed she was not in her cage.  I called her (and of course got no reply).  I started checking the floors nearby as well.  Her clutch-mates were quiet (perhaps not wanting to 'tell on her') in their cages across the room.  I found her behind the computer desk in the tangle of cords just above the floor.  I couldn't reach in there, or even get close.  So I got my swiffer with the long handle and gently guided her thru the bottom of the desk to the floor in front.  I picked her up (not easy as she is not finger or human tame yet) and got her back in the cage and closed the door.  I had her door propped open while I sat here at the computer in my attempt to tame her.  She is now back in her cage and preening off all the dust she picked up from behind the desk.

1 comment:

  1. Teamwork in full force! I wonder what Roxy set out to do? Looks like he's getting aquainted and comfortable with his environment. Which is a good sign Ma :)
