Wednesday, December 17, 2008

'New' Method - First Results

Yesterday I started holding a millet spray inside the cage door for each bird.  Ricky and Sammy both came to the spray, on their top perches, almost immediately.  I tried to coax each of them down to the lower perch, which is closest to the door, but neither of them would do that.  Roxy wouldn't have anything to do with it, and was quite nervous and was moving about the cage very anxiously.  I later put a piece of a millet spray on a clip inside Roxy's cage and she did come to it and ate it all up.  (I wanted to be sure she knew what it was.)

Today, both Ricky and Sammy immediately, again, came to the millet spray on their top perch.  I was able to move the spray back and forth parallel to the perch, but in their reach, and get each bird to follow it.  I moved the spray, little by little further down and out of their reach as well.  Sammy would not move off the top perch to follow the spray.  However, Ricky, after some coaxing did come down to the lower perch via the side of the cage and down to the food bowl, to eat some millet.  Roxy also came to the millet spray today, up on her upper perch.  

So, we have some new developments and definitely are going in the right direction!

1 comment:

  1. great progress!!! i've found that the females tend to be more skittish and territorial. the females seem to be as curious as the males, but not as trusting.
