Sunday, January 3, 2010

Bufflehead 3-Jan-10

Lea Cox and I visited Ravenswood Open Space Preserve yesterday.  It was the first visit to this preserve for the both of us.  We got there at about 1:30, just after high tide.  We walked from the parking lot at Cooley Landing to the furthest out viewing platform.  We hadn't gotten far before we started hearing gun shots which startled the WILLETs into the sky at each blast.  We didn't see too many birds on the way out -- Willet, a few CANVASBACK, SAVANNAH and SONG SPARROW, and SNOWY EGRET.  Just before reaching the furthest out platform we saw EARED GREBE and WESTERN GREBE in the water, and several NORTHERN PINTAIL flying overhead.  I then noticed a male BUFFLEHEAD flying not too far above and in front of me through my binoculars, when BANG!  two shots rang out and it fell lifeless into the pickle weed.  A small pontoon with 3 individuals in camouflage were not too far from the platform, 2 with shotguns.  They had a huge bag hanging over the side of the boat which looked like it must have been holding many, many ducks!  We were both pretty stunned at what had occurred and continued to the platform to get a better look at the hunters.  One got out of the boat, wearing waders and looked to be looking for the duck he had downed.   Lea convinced me to call to report the hunters, so I did.  I was told that duck hunting is allowed in the preserve as long as the hunters are in the water in a boat.   That seemed incredulous to us. 

Anyway, we turned around to walk back to the car.  On the way back I spotted a pair (male and female) of REDHEAD, several GODWITS, some LEAST SANDPIPERS on the wing, and a pair (male and female - one a lot larger than the other) of PEREGRINE FALCONS on the transmission towers.  We stopped to watch the falcons hunting over the marsh, as well as vocalizing to each other when they returned to their tower perches. 

When we got back to the parking lot an Open Space Ranger was there, responding to the call I had made.  He told us that there have been reports of duck hunters recently in the preserve, and that they have not been able to apprehend these individuals.  Further, he said that if the hunters shoot a duck that is within the preserve boundary it is illegal, whereas if the duck is outside the preserve boundary it is legal.  He was going to drive out and see what he could see or do.   From what I could tell, the hunters were in the park boundary, as was the Bufflehead.   It seems insane to me that duck hunting is allowed anywhere in San Francisco Bay what with there being so many people and shoreline preserves.   If anyone else goes out to Ravenswood and observes duck hunters and/or hears shotgun blasts, please report it to the Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District (650-691-1200).

1 comment:

  1. This is so terrible! To imagine a bag hanging from a boat full of ducks :(. It makes no sense to allow duck hunting! I don't understand - what do people do with the ducks once they are done? I know it is a 'sport' but it is inhumane to a gentile, non-harmful species :( I heard on the news that there were hunters killing birds near some airport to keep the lanes open and clear for take off/landings...this blew my mid, too !
